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       By signing below I certify that I am the parent or legal guardian of registered child. I hereby give my permission to participate in the BSM Academy Camp. I understand that participation in sports carries inherent risks, and I agree to hold BSM, its officers, directors, employees, coaches, and agents harmless from any liability for any injury, harm or loss that my child may suffer in the course of his/her participation in the program. I further understand and agree that BSM retain the right to expel my child from the program if he/she engages in any conduct that is dangerous to any other participant or to staff, coaches, employees or agents or that is disruptive to the program.


       I agree to supervise or designate an adult to supervise my child prior to and immediately after his/her BSM activities.For promotional activities, BSM may utilize photographs of participating children and their parents or caregivers while engaged in our activities. By signing below you consent to such use and waive all rights to compensation.


       I grant permission to BSM to transport my child(ren) to or from places where BSM holds its activities, and agree to hold harmless BSM and to assume all risk of damage or injury, including death, however caused, whether by negligence of the driver(s), owner(s) or otherwise, by acts of other children or by other third parties, while in or about the vehicle. I agree that neither they nor their heir will make any claim against or sue BSM driver(s) or vehicle owner(s), and waive all rights, claims and causes of action against BSM driver(s) or owner(s) or otherwise.



Cancellation/Refund Policy

       For all cancellations made on or before June 30th, 50% of the payments will be refunded. After July 1st, cancellations will not be accepted and no refunds will be given. No exceptions.


       We reserve the right to cancel sessions due to low enrollment.

       I understand that admission to the BSM Academy Camp is based solely on availability.


       I understand that all fees may be billed to my EFC account (for EFC members).

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